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Ceb fip model code 2010 pdf download: The most updated and authoritative source of information on co


The vision for fib Model Code 2020 (MC2020), as a single merged general structural code, goes beyond the point reached by fib MC2010, recent ISO codes, such as ISO 16311, and the current Eurocode activities to extend their application to existing structures. The envisaged development is intended to result in an internationally recognized and comprehensive fib Model Code 2020 for new and existing concrete structures. This work is to be taken forward by TG10.1: Model Code 2020. It is clear from discussions at the TC that Commission 10 and TG10.1 should have wide international representation.

In October 2013, the hardcover and e-book editions of the fib Model Code 2010 (MC2010) were published by the Ernst & Sohn publishing house. This milestone publication presented new developments and ideas with regard to concrete structures and structural materials, and serve as a basis for future codes for concrete structures. It is as an essential document for national and international code committees, practitioners and researchers.

Ceb fip model code 2010 pdf download

fib Model Code for Concrete Structures 2010 CEB-FIP Model Code 1990 (PDF) CEB-FIP Model Code 1978 (PDF) fib Model Code for Concrete Structures 2010To order this issue, please visit the Ernst & Sohn online library.fib members receive a 50% discount on bulk purchases of more than 30 copies (hardcover or e-book edition) or download a copy of the MC2010 e-book edition.

Based on the experimental results obtained in this study, the CEB-FIP (2010) model code case is closer to the experimentally obtained bilinear curves for crack openings between 0 and 100 μm. On the other hand, the CEB-FIP (1990, 2010) model code is closer to the experimentally obtained bilinear curves for crack openings between 400 and 500 μm as shown in Fig. 13. The critical crack opening displacement is estimated using the aggregate size in CEB-FIP (1990, 2010) and so as an approximation a coefficient 6 is used. CEB-FIP (2010) recommends using a coefficient value of 5 for any maximum aggregate size. As a result of the simplification the critical crack opening displacement as estimated by CEB-FIP (1990, 2010) is closer to the experimentally obtained bilinear curve. This leads the authors to propose the following bilinear stress crack opening displacement curve based on CEB-FIP (1990, 2010) and the obtained test results (see Fig. 14). The aggregate size should be considered according to CEB-FIP (1990, 2010), with the stress at the kink point being determined as being 20 % of the maximum tensile strength according to CEB-FIP (2010). The crack opening displacement at the kink point is adjusted to fit the experimental results obtained in this study. However, the development of a standard test method for the concrete fracture toughness is still in progress, therefore, in this study the latest consensus on the test method was used and the proposed bilinear curves were obtained. Since the biases of the test are still unknown, sufficient research results and verifications on the proposed bilinear curves should be obtained in order to gain a consensus on the best test method for concrete toughness. As a future study, a large number of fracture tests using the test setup proposed in this study should be performed in order to verify the test method for concrete fracture toughness and the proposed bilinear softening curves in this study.

4 Preface The International Federation for Structural Concrete (fib) is a pre-normative organization. Pre-normative implies pioneering work in codification. This work has now been realized with the fib Model Code Earlier Model Codes from the fib s parent organizations were published as CEB-FIP Model Codes 1978 and The objectives of the fib Model Code 2010 are to (a) serve as a basis for future codes for concrete structures, and (b) present new developments with regard to concrete structures, structural materials and new ideas in order to achieve optimum behaviour. Structural concrete is more than a continuously developing material. It also represents a remarkable development in design concepts and strategies. Requirements for concrete structures have often been formulated as follows: concrete structures should be resistant, serviceable, durable, economic and aesthetic. Today, several further requirements or expectations regarding concrete structures have to be met, for example: they should be robust enough to avoid progressive collapse, should need only minimal maintenance, should be able to embed waste materials, should provide protection against accidents, should provide barriers against or following hazards, should be reusable or at least recyclable, should support sustainability in all possible ways, and in addition, provide adequate fire and earthquake resistance and be environmentally compatible. The fib Model Code 2010 includes the whole life cycle of a concrete structure, from design and construction to conservation (assessment, maintenance, strengthening) and dismantlement, in one code for buildings, bridges and other civil engineering structures. Design is largely based on performance requirements. The chapter on materials is particularly extended with new types of concrete and reinforcement (such as fibres and non-metallic reinforcements). The fib Model Code 2010 like the previous Model Codes does not only specify requirements but also gives the corresponding explanations in a separate column of the document. Additionally, MC2010 is supported by background documents that have already been (or will soon be) published in fib Bulletins and journal articles. The fib Model Code 2010 (MC2010) was produced during the last ten years through an exceptional effort by 44 countries from five continents: Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Belarus, Brazil, Canada, China, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Iran, Israel, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, USA. The General Assembly of fib accepted Model Code 2010 on 29 October 2011 in Lausanne, Switzerland. On behalf of fib we would like to acknowledge the efforts of all those who contributed to the drafting, correcting or editing of the MC2010 text, including the members of the fib Special Activity Group 5, New Model Code, and also the fib Commissions and Task Groups (see the names listed on the following pages). Special thanks are owed to Agnieszka Bigajvan Vliet for her work as technical secretary and to Laura Thommen-Vidale for her editorial help. We believe that the fib Model Code 2010 provides an extraordinary contribution to the advancement of knowledge and technical developments in the field of design and assessment of concrete structures. György L. Balázs President of fib Joost Walraven Convener of SAG5 fib Bulletin 66: Model Code 2010, Final draft Volume 2 iii

6 Commission 3, Environmental aspects of design and construction Chair: M. Glavind; Deputy-chair: P. Hajek Members: A. B. Ajdukiewicz, D.-U. Choi, J. Desmyter, M. Hisada, P. Jäger, K. Kawai, A. C. Kjepso, E. P. Nielsen, T. Noguchi, M. Oberg, A. Prota, K. Sakai, P. Stepanek, M. Tamura, K. Van Breugel Corresponding members: J. Bleiziffer, B. Buhr-Jensen, B. Piscaer, C.S. Poon, P. Schiessl Task Group 3.5, Protective concrete structures Convener: K. Van Breugel Members: A. N. Dancygier, S. Hauser, P. Jäger, D. Kiefer, J. Reymendt, F.-H. Schluter, J. Weerheijm Corresponding members: H. Bomhard, B. Buhr-Jensen, J. Nemet, M.H.M.G. Ronde Task Group 3.7, Integrated life cycle assessment of concrete structures Convener: P. Hajek Members: A. B. Ajdukiewicz, I. Broukalova, B. Buhr-Jensen, J. Desmyter, C. Fiala, C. V. Nielsen, V. Nitivattananon, T. Noguchi, M. Oberg, P. Stepanek Corresponding members: M. Hisada, V. Sirivivatnanon Task Group 3.8, Green concrete technologies for life-cycle design of concrete structures Convener: M. Glavind Members: D. Asprone, M. de Spot, K. Kawai, C. Müller, C. V. Nielsen, T. Noguchi, M. Oberg, K. Sakai, A. Small Corresponding members: J. Bleiziffer, B. Buhr-Jensen, D.-U. Choi, J. Desmyter, B. Piscaer Task Group 3.9, Application of environmental design to concrete structures Convener: K. Kawai Members: M. Boulfiza, M. de Spot, M. Glavind, P. Hajek, V. Nitivattananon, K. Sakai, T. Sugiyama, Sukontasukkul, M. Tamura, T. Teichmann Corresponding members: J. Bleiziffer, D.-U. Choi, J. Desmyter, Task Group 3.10, Concrete made with recycled materials - life cycle perspective Convener: T. Noguchi Members: D.-U. Choi, K. Eriksen, G. Moriconi, C.S. Poon, A. Small, M. Tamura, C. Ulsen, E. Vazquez, J. Xiao, Y. Zhang Corresponding members: A. B. Ajdukiewicz, P. Hajek, A. Kliszczewicz Commission 4, Modelling of structural behaviour and design Chair: S. Foster; Deputy-chair: F. J. Vecchio Members: G. L. Balázs, M. W. Braestrup, M. A. Chiorino, M. Curbach, D. Darwin, F. C. Filippou, M. Hallgren, N. P. Høj, W. Kaufmann, J. Kollegger, K. Maekawa, G. Mancini, P. Marti, G. Monti, V. Sigrist, J. Walraven Task Group 4.1, Serviceability models Convener: J. Vítek Members: G. L. Balázs, P. Bisch, A. Borosnyói, C. Burns, M. A. Chiorino, P. G. Debernardi, L. Eckfeldt, M. El-Badry, E. Fehling, V. Gribniak, G. Kaklauskas, A. Kohoutkova, R. Lark, P. Lenkei, M. Lorrain, A. Mari Bernat, A. Perez Caldentey, M. Taliano, D. Tkalcic, J.M. Torrenti, L. Torres, F. Toutlemonde, L. Vrablik, A. Windisch Corresponding members: O. Burdet, F. Ceroni, V. Cervenka, A. Ghali, M. Guiglia, J. Ozbolt, M. Pecce, T. Ueda fib Bulletin 66: Model Code 2010, Final draft Volume 2 v

7 Task Group 4.2, Ultimate limit state models Convener: V. Sigrist E. Bentz, S. Denton, M. Fernandez Ruiz, S. J. Foster, S. Görtz, J. Hegger, D. Kuchma, F. Minelli, A. Muttoni Corresponding members: P. Gauvreau, P. Marti, A. Sherif, J. Walraven Task Group 4.3, Fire design of concrete structures Convener: N. P. Høj Members: P. Bamonte, L. Bostrom, A. Breunese, J.-F. Denoël, J.-M. Franssen, P. G. Gambarova, R. Jansson, G. A. Khoury, E. W. Klingsch, T. Lennon, B. B. G. Lottman, E. Lublóy, S. Matthews, A. Meda, Y. Msaad, J. Ozbolt, P. Riva, F. Robert, J. P. C. Rodrigues, L. Taerwe Corresponding members: Y. Anderberg, G. L. Balázs, M. Behloul, F. Biondini, F. G. Branco, F. Dehn, U. Diederichs, J.-C. Dotreppe, R. Felicetti, S. Huismann, M. Jelcic, U.-M. Jumppanen, V. Kodur, M. Korzen, Z. Li, C. Majorana, Y. Ota, L. Phan, E. Richter, J. M. Rohena, J. Walraven, V. Wetzig Task Group 4.4, Computer based modelling and design Conveners: G. Monti, F. J. Vecchio Members: O. Bayrak, E. Bentz, J. Blaauwendraad, V. Cervenka, M. Curbach, S. Foster, T. Ishida, M. Jirasek, W. Kaufmann, J. Kollegger, D. Kuchma, L. Lowes, P. Marti, J. Mazars, J. Ozbolt, S.J. Pantazopoulou, M. A. Polak, C. Preisinger, E. Spacone, J.-L. Tailhan Task Group 4.5, Bond models Convener: J. Cairns Members: M. A. Aiello, C. Alander, G. L. Balázs, L. De Lorenzis, R. Eligehausen, G. Genesio, G. Metelli, A. Muttoni, S. J. Pantazopoulou, G. A. Plizzari, A. Wildermuth, S. Williamson, K. Zandi Hanjari Corresponding members: B. Engström, P. G. Gambarova, G. Genesio, J. O. Jirsa, K. Lundgren, R. Tepfers, T. Ueda, A. Wildermuth Commission 5, Structural service life aspects Chair: B. Pielstick; Deputy-chair: C. Gehlen Members: C. Andrade, J. A. S. Appleton, M. Bartholomew, L. Bevc, J. Cairns, J. A. Campos e Matos, J. R. Casas Rius, D. Cleland, C. K. Edvardsen, J. Gulikers, S. Helland, A. Hosoda, S. Ikeda, E. Julio, K. Kobayashi, F. J. Leon, L. Linger, G. C. Marano, G. Markeset, S. Matthews, S. Matthys, P. McKenna, A. Meda, T. Miyagawa, K. Osterminski, A. Paeglitis, F. Papworth, A. A. Ramezanianpour, N. Randl, Z. Rinaldi, S. Sgobba, D. A. Smith, I. Stipanovic, D. Straub, A. Strauss, H. Subbarao, T. Ueda, Ø. Vennesland, V. Vimmr, S. von Greve-Dierfeld Corresponding members: M. Alexander, E. Bentz, A. Bigaj-Van Vliet, S. Denton A. El Safty, R. M. Ferreira, D. Frangopol, T. Hamilton, J. Jacobs, C. Larsen, P. Lenkei, G. A. Madaras, V. Sirivivatnanon, A. Van der Horst, B. J.Wigum Task Group 5.8, Condition control and assessment of reinforced concrete structures exposed to corrosive environments Convener: Christoph Gehlen Members: C. Andrade, M. Bartholomew, J. Cairns, J. Gulikers, F. J. Leon, S. Matthews, P. McKenna, K. Osterminski, A. Paeglitis, D. Straub vi fib Bulletin 66: Model Code 2010, Final draft Volume 2 2ff7e9595c


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