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How to comply with VDE-AR-N 4100: A guide for low-voltage network operators and customers - PDF


What is VDE-AR-N 4100 and why do you need it?

If you are involved in the connection and operation of consumption systems on the low-voltage grid in Germany, you need to be familiar with VDE-AR-N 4100. This is the application rule that defines the technical connection rules for low-voltage networks. It covers topics such as charging devices for electric vehicles, accumulators, power generating plants, meter boards, cable entries, overvoltage protection devices, and more. In this article, we will explain what VDE-AR-N 4100 is, how it came about, what it requires, and how you can download it as a PDF file.

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The background and context of VDE-AR-N 4100

The low-voltage grid is the part of the power system that connects customers' installations to the distribution network. It operates at a nominal voltage of up to 1000 volts AC or 1500 volts DC. The low-voltage grid is essential for delivering electricity to households, businesses, public facilities, and other consumers. However, it also faces some challenges and opportunities due to the increasing integration of new technologies such as electric vehicles, accumulators, and renewable energy sources. These technologies can affect the power quality, reliability, safety, and efficiency of the low-voltage grid. Therefore, they need to be regulated and coordinated by technical connection rules.

The technical connection rules for low-voltage networks in Germany have been developed by the Forum Network Technology/Network Operation (FNN) in VDE. VDE is the Association for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies, one of the largest technical and scientific associations in Europe. FNN is a technical standardization body within VDE that deals with network technology and network operation issues. FNN works with experts from network operators, manufacturers, service providers, associations, authorities, research institutes, and other stakeholders to create user-friendly rules and standards for the power system.

The latest version of the technical connection rules for low-voltage networks is VDE-AR-N 4100. It was published in April 2019 and came into effect in September 2019. It replaces nine previous sets of rules that were applicable for different aspects of the low-voltage grid. By creating a new, standardized basic set of rules for this voltage level, FNN aims to simplify and harmonize the requirements for grid operators, electricians, manufacturers, and customers. Moreover, FNN intends to make innovative technologies such as accumulators and electromobility suitable for everyday life and system-compatible at a faster pace.

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The main features and requirements of VDE-AR-N 4100

VDE-AR-N 410 0 is divided into six parts: A to F. Each part covers a different topic related to the low-voltage grid. The following table summarizes the scope and structure of VDE-AR-N 4100:





General requirements

- Definitions, abbreviations, symbols, and units - General technical requirements for the connection and operation of consumption systems - General organizational requirements for the registration, notification, and approval of consumption systems - General safety requirements for the protection against electric shock, overcurrent, overvoltage, and electromagnetic interference


Requirements for charging devices for electric vehicles

- Specific technical requirements for the connection and operation of charging devices for electric vehicles - Specific organizational requirements for the registration, notification, and approval of charging devices for electric vehicles - Specific safety requirements for the protection against electric shock, overcurrent, overvoltage, and electromagnetic interference in charging devices for electric vehicles


Requirements for accumulators

- Specific technical requirements for the connection and operation of accumulators - Specific organizational requirements for the registration, notification, and approval of accumulators - Specific safety requirements for the protection against electric shock, overcurrent, overvoltage, and electromagnetic interference in accumulators


Requirements for power generating plants

- Specific technical requirements for the connection and operation of power generating plants - Specific organizational requirements for the registration, notification, and approval of power generating plants - Specific safety requirements for the protection against electric shock, overcurrent, overvoltage, and electromagnetic interference in power generating plants


Requirements for meter boards and cable entries

- Specific technical requirements for the design and installation of meter boards and cable entries - Specific organizational requirements for the registration, notification, and approval of meter boards and cable entries - Specific safety requirements for the protection against electric shock, overcurrent, overvoltage, and electromagnetic interference in meter boards and cable entries


Requirements for overvoltage protection devices

- Specific technical requirements for the selection and installation of overvoltage protection devices - Specific organizational requirements for the registration, notification, and approval of overvoltage protection devices - Specific safety requirements for the protection against electric shock, overcurrent, overvoltage, and electromagnetic interference in overvoltage protection devices

VDE-AR-N 4100 introduces some key innovations and changes compared to the previous sets of rules. Some of them are:

  • The mandatory registration of charging devices for electric vehicles with a rated power greater than 3.6 kW. This is to ensure that the grid operator can monitor and control the load on the low-voltage grid caused by electromobility.

  • The technical requirements for accumulators that are connected to the low-voltage grid or to power generating plants. These include the network-beneficial behavior of the accumulators, such as providing reactive power support or frequency response.

  • The network-beneficial behavior of all consumption systems that are connected to the low-voltage grid. This means that they should contribute to maintaining or improving the power quality, reliability, safety, and efficiency of the grid. For example, they should avoid causing voltage fluctuations or harmonics.

  • The simplification and harmonization of the forms, processes, and deadlines for registration, notification, and approval of consumption systems. This is to reduce the administrative burden and increase transparency for all parties involved.

  • The alignment with other relevant standards and regulations at national and international levels. This is to ensure consistency and compatibility with other technical connection rules at higher voltage levels or in other countries.

VDE-AR-N 4100 requires that all consumption systems that are connected to the low-voltage grid comply with its rules. This applies to both new and existing systems. However, there are some transitional periods and exceptions depending on the type and date of installation of the system. For example:

  • Charging devices for electric vehicles that were installed before September 2019 do not need to be registered unless they are modified or replaced.

  • Accumulators that were installed before April 2019 do not need to comply with VDE-AR-N 4100 unless they are modified or replaced.

  • Power generating plants that were installed before April 2019 do not need to comply with VDE-AR-N 4100 unless they are modified or replaced.

  • Meter boards and cable entries that were installed before April 2019 do not need to comply with VDE-AR-N 4100 unless they are modified or replaced.

  • Overvoltage protection devices that were installed before April 2019 do not need to comply with VDE-AR-N 4100 unless they are modified or replaced.

For more details on the compliance and implementation of VDE-AR-N 4100, you can refer to the official website of VDE FNN, where you can also find the forms and documents for registration, notification, and approval of consumption systems.

How to download VDE-AR-N 4100 PDF

If you want to download VDE-AR-N 4100 as a PDF file, you have several options. One of them is to visit the online shop of VDE Verlag, the publishing house of VDE. There you can purchase and download the PDF version of VDE-AR-N 4100 for a fee of 199 euros. You can also order a printed copy of VDE-AR-N 4100 for a fee of 249 euros. The PDF and printed versions are both in German language and include all six parts of VDE-AR-N 4100.

Another option is to use a third-party website that offers free or discounted downloads of VDE-AR-N 4100 PDF. However, you should be careful when using these websites, as they may not be authorized or reliable. Some of them may provide outdated or incomplete versions of VDE-AR-N 4100, or may contain viruses or malware that can harm your computer or device. Therefore, we recommend that you always check the source and quality of the PDF file before downloading it.

A third option is to access other related documents that are available for free download from the official website of VDE FNN. These include:

  • The summary and overview of VDE-AR-N 4100, which provides a brief introduction and explanation of the main features and requirements of VDE-AR-N 4100.

  • The FAQ document on VDE-AR-N 4100, which answers some common questions and clarifies some misunderstandings about VDE-AR-N 4100.

  • The information sheet on charging devices for electric vehicles, which provides a concise guide on the registration, notification, and approval of charging devices for electric vehicles according to VDE-AR-N 4100.

  • The information sheet on accumulators, which provides a concise guide on the registration, notification, and approval of accumulators according to VDE-AR-N 4100.

  • The information sheet on power generating plants, which provides a concise guide on the registration, notification, and approval of power generating plants according to VDE-AR-N 4100.

  • The information sheet on meter boards and cable entries, which provides a concise guide on the design and installation of meter boards and cable entries according to VDE-AR-N 4100.

  • The information sheet on overvoltage protection devices, which provides a concise guide on the selection and installation of overvoltage protection devices according to VDE-AR-N 4100.

These documents are also in German language and can be downloaded as PDF files from the website of VDE FNN.


VDE-AR-N 4100 is the application rule that defines the technical connection rules for low-voltage networks in Germany. It covers topics such as charging devices for electric vehicles, accumulators, power generating plants, meter boards, cable entries, overvoltage protection devices, and more. It aims to simplify and harmonize the requirements for grid operators, electricians, manufacturers, and customers. It also intends to make innovative technologies such as accumulators and electromobility suitable for everyday life and system-compatible at a faster pace.

If you want to download VDE-AR-N 4100 as a PDF file, you can purchase it from the online shop of VDE Verlag, or use a third-party website that offers free or discounted downloads. However, you should always check the source and quality of the PDF file before downloading it. Alternatively, you can access other related documents that are available for free download from the official website of VDE FNN.

We hope that this article has helped you understand what VDE-AR-N 4100 is and why you need it. If you have any questions or comments about this topic, please feel free to contact us or leave a comment below. We would love to hear from you!


What is the difference between VDE-AR-N 4100 and DIN EN 50160?

VDE-AR-N 4100 is an application rule that defines the technical connection rules for low-voltage networks in Germany. It specifies the requirements for the connection and operation of consumption systems on the low-voltage grid, such as charging devices for electric vehicles, accumulators, power generating plants, meter boards, cable entries, overvoltage protection devices, and more. It is based on the national and international standards and regulations that apply to the low-voltage grid.

DIN EN 50160 is a European standard that defines the voltage characteristics of electricity supplied by public distribution networks. It specifies the limits and tolerances for the frequency, magnitude, waveform, symmetry, and quality of the voltage at the customer's supply terminals. It is based on the technical and economic conditions that apply to the public distribution networks in Europe.

Therefore, VDE-AR-N 4100 and DIN EN 50160 are related but different documents. VDE-AR-N 4100 sets the rules for how consumption systems should be connected and operated on the low-voltage grid, while DIN EN 50160 sets the standards for how the voltage should be delivered by the public distribution networks.

How can I get a printed copy of VDE-AR-N 4100?

If you prefer to have a printed copy of VDE-AR-N 4100, you can order it from the online shop of VDE Verlag. The printed version of VDE-AR-N 4100 costs 249 euros and includes all six parts of VDE-AR-N 4100. It is also in German language and has a total of 416 pages. You can pay by credit card, PayPal, or invoice and choose between standard or express delivery. The delivery time depends on your location and the availability of the product.

What are some examples of consumption systems that are covered by VDE-AR-N 4100?

Consumption systems are devices or installations that consume electricity from the low-voltage grid. Some examples of consumption systems that are covered by VDE-AR-N 4100 are:

  • Charging devices for electric vehicles: These are devices that provide electrical energy to charge the batteries of electric vehicles. They can be installed at private or public locations, such as homes, workplaces, parking lots, or service stations.

  • Accumulators: These are devices that store electrical energy and release it when needed. They can be used for various purposes, such as backup power, peak shaving, load leveling, or frequency regulation.

  • Power generating plants: These are devices or installations that generate electricity from renewable or conventional sources. They can be connected to the low-voltage grid in parallel or in island mode.

  • Meter boards: These are panels that house the meters and other equipment that measure and control the electricity consumption and generation of a customer.

  • Cable entries: These are points where the cables that connect a customer's installation to the low-voltage grid enter a building or a property.

  • Overvoltage protection devices: These are devices that protect a customer's installation from damage caused by overvoltages that may occur due to lightning strikes, switching operations, or faults on the grid.

How can I contact VDE FNN for more information about VDE-AR-N 4100?

If you have any questions or comments about VDE-AR-N 4100, you can contact VDE FNN by using one of the following methods:

  • Email: You can send an email to and specify your name, organization, and topic of interest.

  • Phone: You can call +49 (0)69 6308-477 and speak to one of the staff members of VDE FNN.

  • Fax: You can send a fax to +49 (0)69 6308-93477 and include your name, organization, and topic of interest.

  • Mail: You can send a letter to VDE FNN, Stresemannallee 15, 60596 Frankfurt am Main, Germany and include your name, organization, and topic of interest.

  • Website: You can visit and browse through the information and resources available on VDE-AR-N 4100 and other topics related to network technology and network operation.

What are some other technical connection rules that I should know about?

Besides VDE-AR-N 4100, there are some other technical connection rules that you should know about if you are involved in the connection and operation of consumption systems on the power system. Some of them are:

  • VDE-AR-N 4105: This is the application rule that defines the technical connection rules for power generating plants on the low-voltage grid. It covers topics such as the network-beneficial behavior, the protection and control functions, and the communication interfaces of power generating plants.

  • VDE-AR-N 4110: This is the application rule that defines the technical connection rules for medium-voltage networks. It covers topics such as the connection and operation of consumption systems, power generating plants, and storage systems on the medium-voltage grid.

  • VDE-AR-N 4120: This is the application rule that defines the technical connection rules for high-voltage networks. It covers topics such as the connection and operation of consumption systems, power generating plants, and storage systems on the high-voltage grid.

  • VDE-AR-N 4130: This is the application rule that defines the technical connection rules for extra-high-voltage networks. It covers topics such as the connection and operation of consumption systems, power generating plants, and storage systems on the extra-high-voltage grid.

These technical connection rules are also developed by FNN in VDE and are based on the national and international standards and regulations that apply to the power system. They are updated regularly to reflect the changes and developments in the power system. You can find more information and download them from the website of VDE FNN. 44f88ac181


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