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How to Edit RAR Files with Hex Editor and Remove Password Protection


I need to know if this is possible because I have a password protected zip file with all my high school pictures there and i forgot the password. I can't even use those software because they always take too much days. Can I convert this texts to the password?

remove rar password with hex editor

The left column is the line number in hex, the middle columns contain the data with 16 bytes to a row (one byte is two hex characters), and the right column is the ASCII encoding of the corresponding ASCII character when its printable -- note many are not printable and are represented by a .). As you can see there's a lot of characters that don't appear when you print them in ISO-8859-1.

Second, even though PKZIP encryption is quite weak it still introduces some randomness. E.g., if I delete the zip file and reencrypt the same data into a new zip file of the same name with the same password, I get:

... no that's not the way properly implemented encryption works. There's no simple trick to find the password in the data; knowing the password should let you decode the data though... so it's only by trying many of them that you may decode it.

Therefore, if you would like to find your password I think you should use some brute force tool to crack ZIP password, i.e. Zip Password Cracker or Ultimate ZIP Cracker. These are just examples, you can find plenty of them via Google.

Update: "WinRAR offers you the benefit of industry strength archive encryption using AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) with a key of 256 bits." And, according to some calculations, using a considerably impossible amount of modern GPUs (one billion), "it would take 6.7e40 times longer than the age of the universe to exhaust half of the keyspace of a AES-256 key."

Anyways we are lucky that we have many tools to help us recover lost or forgotten passwords and in this article, we will go through some of these known softwares. These are the same tools that police and forensic people use, so again, there is no shortcut to bypass the password.

Before we answer the age-old question on how to extract RAR file without password, there are three different recovery options that you should know about. Choosing the right method is the key to a fast & successful unlock and therefore it is very important to know what these different attack modes are. They are as follows:

RAR Password Unlocker is a simple to use software with many useful features like save/resume attacks, multi core support, GPU acceleration, auto shutdown, and more. It can also search for encrypted files on your PC which can be handy. Unfortunately the software failed to accelerate the recovery with my GTX 970 which is weird as even the free utility cRARk did worked with my GPU. But even without GPU acceleration it managed to top over 1000 passwords/ second which is almost double of the average speed of cRARk (without GPU engine).

Not everyone wants to pay for password recovery and I totally get it, so I have found two freeware that supports RAR file types. These are cRARK and John the Ripper. At least some of you may have heard about John the Ripper.

With cRARk you can define all you know about the password using a Password Definition Language(PDL) in a .def file. This is very similar to regular expressions so if you already have experience with regex then there will no troubles, plus they have several examples on their website.

One of the limitations with cRARk is the lack of multi CPU/GPU support but you can overcome that by using another software known as Parallel Password Recovery which also makes use of PDL files. Additionally, Parallel Password Recovery can also take advantage of multiple computers using the distributed decryption feature. I have tested this software and it works great!

John the Ripper is a free, open-source, command-line program for password security auditing and recovery. It is available on macOS, Linux, and Windows. JR is incredibly versatile and can crack anything you throw at it including archive files (ZIP, RAR), document files (PDF, Office, etc), filesystems, web apps, and more. You can use JR for brute force or dictionary attack.

DISCLAIMER This worked for me and I have documented it here in the hope it will help someone out. I have not fully tested it. Please be sure to save all open files before proceeding with this option.

*NOTE: Be sure that you have changed the password to a new value, otherwise the next time you open the spreadsheet Excel will report errors (Unexpected Error), then when you access the list of VBA modules you will now see the names of the source modules but receive another error when trying to open forms/code/etc. To remedy this, go back to the VBA Project Properties and set the password to a new value. Save and re-open the Excel document and you should be good to go!

With my turn, this is built upon kaybee99's excellent answer which is built upon Đức Thanh Nguyễn's fantastic answer to allow this method to work with both 32/64 bit versions of Office.

Colin Pickard has an excellent answer, but there is one 'watch out' with this. There are instances (I haven't figured out the cause yet) where the total length of the "CMG=........GC=...." entry in the file is different from one excel file to the next. In some cases, this entry will be 137 bytes, and in others it will be 143 bytes. The 137 byte length is the odd one, and if this happens when you create your file with the '1234' password, just create another file, and it should jump to the 143 byte length.

This is not valid for Excel 2007/2010 files. The standard .xlsx file format is actually a .zip file containing numerous sub-folders with the formatting, layout, content, etc, stored as xml data. For an unprotected Excel 2007 file, you can just change the .xlsx extension to .zip, then open the zip file and look through all the xml data. It's very straightforward.

However, when you password protect an Excel 2007 file, the entire .zip (.xlsx) file is actually encrypted using RSA encryption. It is no longer possible to change the extension to .zip and browse the file contents.

VBA Project Passwords on Access, Excel, Powerpoint, or Word documents (2007, 2010, 2013 or 2016 versions with extensions .ACCDB .XLSM .XLTM .DOCM .DOTM .POTM .PPSM) can be easily removed.

It's simply a matter of changing the filename extension to .ZIP, unzipping the file, and using any basic Hex Editor (like XVI32) to "break" the existing password, which "confuses" Office so it prompts for a new password next time the file is opened.

Microsoft Office VBA Project passwords are not to be relied upon for security of any sensitive information. If security is important, use third-party encryption software.

In the event that your block of CMG="XXXX"\r\nDPB="XXXXX"\r\nGC="XXXXXX"in your 'known password' file is shorter than the existing block in the 'unknown password' file, pad your hex strings with trailing zeros to reach the correct length.

For Excel 2007 onward you need to change your file extension to .zipIn the archive there is a subfolder xl, in there you will find vbaProject.bin.Follow the step above with vbaProject.bin then save it back in the archive.Modify back your extension and voilà! (meaning follow steps above)

Colin Pickard is mostly correct, but don't confuse the "password to open" protection for the entire file with the VBA password protection, which is completely different from the former and is the same for Office 2003 and 2007 (for Office 2007, rename the file to .zip and look for the vbaProject.bin inside the zip). And that technically the correct way to edit the file is to use a OLE compound document viewer like CFX to open up the correct stream. Of course, if you are just replacing bytes, the plain old binary editor may work.

Using HxD, there is a counter tracking how much file you're selecting. Copy starting from CMG until the counter reads 8F (hex for 143) and likewise when pasting into the locked file - I ended up with twice the number of "..." at the end of the paste, which looked odd somehow and felt almost unnatural, but it worked.

I don't know if it is crucial, but I made sure I shut both the hex editor and excel down before reopening the file in Excel. I then had to go through the menus to open the VB Editor, into VBProject Properties and entered in the 'new' password to unlock the code.

The truth is that the code files for most macro-enabled Office documents are not encrypted and the password only prevents opening the project with Office programs.This means that, as other answers suggested, you can usually use an Office alternative to access and edit the file.

However, if you just need access to the code, you can use a tool like to extract the Macro code. This is useful for malware analysis, as well as getting most of the code from the file so that you don't have to start from scratch if you forget the password.

For Excel 2016 64-bit on a Windows 10 machine, I have used a hex editor to be able to change the password of a protected xla (have not tested this for any other extensions).Tip: create a backup before you do this.

Free Hex Editor Neo is the fastest large files optimized binary file editor for Windows platform developed by HHD Software Ltd. It's distributed under "Freemium" model and provides you with all basic editing features for free.You may extensively use the following basic functionality: Type, Cut, Copy, Paste, Fill, Delete, Insert, Import and Export and even try some advanced functionality. Overwrite and insert modes are supported. You may also exchange binary hexadecimal data with other applications through the Clipboard. This free binary file editing utility also provides you with the following features: Unlimited Undo/Redo; GoTo Offset; Save/Load Operation History; 32bit/64bit Patch Creation; Find/Replace for hex/decimal/octal/float/double data and binary codes; Grouping by Bytes, Words, Double Words, Quad Words;Freeware Hex Editor Neo is extremely useful for viewing, modifying and analyzing hexadecimal data in extra large files and disks. For example, if you try to search and replace text/hex/decimal/binary data pattern in 1GB - 1TB file, you'll simply find no competitors for our product. The most frequent scenario for any competitive hexeditor will be: I'm sitting here and waiting but never get the result.Download Free Hex Editor Neo now and start to edit binary files in a few seconds! OverviewFeaturesEditionsAdditional InformationUpgrade Downloadx86/x64 versionArm64 versionFree Hex Editor Neo FeaturesOpening and efficient handling of huge filesDuring hex editor program development we focused on its performance and reliability, so the product is based on the most advanced and efficient data processing algorithms. We have created an absolutely unique data editing software, which is able to successfully handle files of ANY size and has absolutely no analogues in this regard. Thus, any extra large file supported by the underlying file system (FAT, FAT32, NTFS) is automatically supported by our product.Instant data processing regardless of sizeThanks to the use of highly efficient algorithms, hardware acceleration and extensive use of multi-threading technology, the product always remains responsive and quickly performs all binary data editing and file modification operations (including basic I/O, search, replace and clipboard operations) with data blocks of unlimited size. Thus, only using our hex editing software you avoid situations when you lose all modifications due to unpredictably long data processing operations.Basic file editing featuresUsing this binary file editing software, you can perform most manipulations with the file data. You can type data, write data to file (direct hex file modification), select data, remove selections, insert data into file, delete binary data from file, insert another file, fill selection with raw hex data patterns, save/load files. It supports overwrite/insert writing modes and allows you to use clipboard: cut, copy/paste, merge data. Modified data is highlighted. You can use 'goto offset' command or make quick address bookmarks for easy navigation.Portable hex editor installationProduct setup supports installation of hex editor in portable mode. Once installed, the portable version of hex editor can be copied to any location, transferred to different computers without using the installer anymore. In portable mode setup allows the user to select a removable drive or network share as a destination folder. Hex editor portable edition doesn't make any changes to the system registry, doesn't use shell extensions and creates no shortcuts. All changes are limited to a file system and transacted on supported operating systems.Advanced formatting & grouping optionsBy default Hex Editor Neo displays binary/hexadecimal data as a grid of cells with editable hex codes and allows you to configure number of columns. Codes can be displayed as Binary, Hex, Decimal, Octal, Float or Double grouped by Bytes, Words, Double Words and Quad Words allowing you to view and edit it in a variety of formats, including single-precision floating-point format (IEEE 754) and double-precision floating-point format (IEEE 754). A view type is a property of individual editor window, so you can open several editor windows with different view types for your convenience.Extremely flexible UI: layouts, skins, color schemesHex editor application comes with professionally designed color schemes to enhance your productivity. You can customize every visible aspect of the editor and save customizations as a scheme. You can customize toolbars, layouts, placements, fonts, colors, keyboard shortcuts, directories used to search for included files, associations between structures and file extensions. Most interface dialogs allow you to change their size and save it to be automatically restored next time you use it. Input fields store entered values and provide you with a list of recently used items.Instant search for specific dataThe Find command allows you to search data within selection or whole file and instantly find Binary/Hex data patterns. Searching for Decimal/Octal/Float/Double patterns is also supported. Product supports searching for chars and ASCII text strings as well as Unicode texts. When the pattern is found, the cursor is moved to the beginning of located fragment. To continue searching, just use the 'Edit Find Next' or 'Edit Find Previous' commands. In order to find binary-values, hex-values, byte patterns, integers, floats or texts just switch input type, then your choice and search history will be saved for your convenience.Instant search with data replacementThe Replace command is used to find a specific hex/text pattern in a binary file and replace it with different one. The Find & Replace Dialog is used to specify both patterns and search options. The length of the search and replace pattern is not limited and you can replace any found fragment with a different fragment of arbitrary length or even with an empty one (the found pattern occurrences are removed from the document). When you use replacing function, binary file editor starts searching for a pattern. When pattern is located, the cursor is moved to the beginning of the pattern and a number of options are provided.Unlimited Undo and RedoThe product effectively stores all data regarding modifications you make to the document and provides support for an unlimited number of operations that can be reverted and repeated. The hex modifier allows you to browse through the recent file modifications in the operations history, use the Undo or Redo commands, as well as a special History Tool Window. Thanks to the efficient storage structure and most advanced data processing algorithms, any number of changes you have made to the file can be reverted and repeated instantly, regardless of the document size.Modifications history saving & loadingFor your convenience, we have created a separate window with a visual representation of all changes you make to the source file or data. The entire operations history can be compressed and saved to your disk in the form of a file. It then may be loaded and applied to the same document, effectively restoring all modifications made to the binary file and it's revision branches. In this way, you can share the entire changes history with a colleague so that in addition to the final result, he can also track the whole sequence of your modifications that led to this result.Automatic patch creationThe product provides you with the ability to instantly create patches. A binary patch is a difference between two states of a document. The patch can be distributed and applied to the same file resulting in the same modifications being made to a source file. With just single click you can create x86 or x64 patch file. Hex Editor makes binary diff between original and result revisions of a document and automatically creates 32bit or 64bit patch file. You can also create self-installing exe patch. Self-installing exe patch file also supports file hash checking. Hex Editor Patch API provides additional methods of applying patches.Regular expressions supportHex Editor Neo offers an advanced data search capabilities using sophisticated RegEx search patterns. Finding RegExp patterns can often be helpful in those data mining scenarios where standard text string or binary searches are not applicable.HexEditor Neo allows you to use ECMAScript-compatible regular expression in the following components and modules: Find and Find All, Replace and Replace All, Find in Files and Replace in Files, Pattern Statistics and Pattern Coloring.Viewing and editing file attributesOur hex editor supports editing of file attribute states. You can view file attributes, edit some of it, apply modifications and revert back edited attributes at any time. Here is a list of file attributes supported by our editor: File name, Archive, Hidden, System, Read-Only, Sparse file, Temporary, Off-line, Encrypted, Compressed, Has Reparse Points, Created Date/Time, Last Access Date/Time, Last Write Date/Time, Hard Links, Streams, Total Size.Settings managerOur hex editing tool kit is designed to protect user settings. It also allows you to safely transfer settings to a new workstation or laptop. Settings Manager allows you to export/import almost all of your settings or safely reset them to the application defaults. There is also an option for you to choose where to store personal settings. It can be sored in Windows registry (Registry Mode), local file (Portable Mode) or even on shared locations (OneDrive, Dropbox).Document printingHex Editor Neo provides you with a powerful document printing tool, which supports printing data with headers, footers and configurable margins. The utility supports printing of the whole document, selected data only or data within the specified range. All standard print settings available in Windows are also supported. 2ff7e9595c


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