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STAR WARS Knights Of The Old Republic II Steam Edition Cracked The Game: A Guide to Install and Enjo


  • Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords is undoubtedly a classic of the RPG genre. In between stellar dialog, tons of choice, and lots of replayability, there are plenty of reasons to revisit it or try it out if you've never touched it. Regardless of which side you're on, having a handful of console commands and cheats at the ready is always a good idea, in case you bump into an obstacle that you just can't seem to cross.Before you can use Star Wars KotOR 2's console commands and cheats, you'll first need to activate its console, which isn't turned on by default. To do so, you'll have to resort to the arcane art of modifying config files. It is, thankfully, not that complicated of a process and it all starts by going to your game's main folder.KOTOR 2 Console Commands If you're playing the Steam version, the path should look something along the lines of x:\Steam\steamapps\common\Knights of the Old Republic II. In it, you'll find a file called swkotor2.ini, which you need to open using a text editor like Notepad. Make sure to have started your game once prior to doing so.To enable KotOR 2's console, you need to scroll down to the Game Options section of that document and insert the following line: EnableCheats=1. You won't find it there by default, so you'll have to type or paste it in yourself. Once you've done so, save the file and enter the game.You should be able to bring up the console by pressing the tilde (`) key once in-game. You won't be able to see it on the screen, which is a bit confusing, but it does disable your character's movement while it's brought up. This enables you to input Star Wars KotOR 2 console commands and cheats. Remember that you don't need to include the brackets below and need to press Enter after each one. Here are some of our favorite ones.setcomputeruse (number) - Sets Computer Use level to specified number ranging from 1 to 99

  • setdemolitions (number) - Sets Demolitions level to specified number ranging from 1 to 99

  • setstealth (number) - Sets Stealth level to specified number ranging from 1 to 99

  • setawareness (number) - Sets Awareness level to specified number ranging from 1 to 99

  • setpersuade (number) - Sets Persuade level to specified number ranging from 1 to 99

  • setrepair (number) - Sets Repair level to specified number ranging from 1 to 99

  • setsecurity (number) - Sets Security level to specified number ranging from 1 to 99

  • settreatinjury (number) - Sets Treat Injury level to specified number ranging from 1 to 99

  • setstrength (number) - Sets Strength level to specified number ranging from 1 to 99

  • setdexterity (number) - Sets Dexterity level to specified number ranging from 1 to 99

  • setconstitution (number) - Sets Construction level to specified number ranging from 1 to 99

  • setintelligence (number) - Sets Intelligence level to specified number ranging from 1 to 99

  • setwisdom (number) - Sets Wisdom level to specified number ranging from 1 to 99

  • setcharisma (number) - Sets Charisma level to specified number ranging from 1 to 99

  • invulnerability - Makes you invulnerable

  • addlevel (number) - Adds specified amount of levels

  • addexp (number) - Adds specified amount of experience

  • addlightside (number) - Adds specified amount of Light side experience

  • adddarkside (number) - Adds specified amount of Dark side experience

  • turbo - Increases running speed

  • infiniteuses - Provides infinite uses to limited-use items

  • heal - Heals you

  • revealmap - Removes fog of war

  • givemed - Grants 100 med kits

  • giverepair - Grants 100 advanced repair kits

  • givecomspikes - Grants 100 computer spikes

  • giveitem (item ID) - Grants item tied to specified item ID

These Star Wars KotOR 2 console commands and cheats should cover quite a few of your immediate needs but also let you have some fun by giving you an overpowered character during later playthroughs.For more articles in a similar vein, check out our similar articles for Crusader Kings 3, Dying Light 2, and Stellaris.Keep updated on the latest PC Gaming news by following GameWatcher on Twitter, checking out our videos on YouTube, giving us a like on Facebook, and joining us on Discord. We may also include links to affiliate stores, which gives us a small commission if you purchase anything via them. Thank you.Related Games: Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith LordsAbout Bogdan Robert MateșWhen not brewing coffee or debating serious topics with my cat, you'll either find me playing video games or writing about them.

STAR WARS Knights Of The Old Republic II Steam Edition Cracked The Game

Thirteen games with Mario in the title cracked the top 300, but there were 29 on the larger list. Paper Mario, Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga, Super Mario Bros. 2, Mario Bros., Mario Party, Super Mario 3D Land, Mario Kart: Double Dash, Super Paper Mario, Dr. Mario, Super Mario Kart, Mario Kart Wii, Mario Party 7, Super Mario 64 DS, Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle, Super Mario 3D World, and Super Mario All-Stars + Super Mario World were among readers' favorite, but were not top 300 material.

Mods that come with installers:1. Some installers directly look where your game is installed and will make it completely alone.2. IF NOT: You just have to look where your game is located on your harddrive(normally its something like :"C:\program files\lucas arts\star wars knights of the old republic\" or something similar)3.(STEAM)if you play with steam your game normally is located in a foler something like this: "C:\program files\Steam\steamapps\common\swkotor"

Windows Stand-Alone:1. Unpack the mod you downloaded where ever you want.2. Inside the unpacked folder there will be either the modded files or another folder that maybe called "override"3. Copy the whole content of the folder or the complete "override" folder.4. Go to your installtion folder of the game(normally its something like :"C:\program files\lucas arts\star wars knights of the old republic\" or something similar)5. Look up if theres a folder called "override". If not either paste the copied override folder or create a new one and paste the copied files into the the override folder.6. Everythings done, start your game and enjoy the mod!

Steam-version:(almost same as stand-alone, the game is just located in another folder)1. Unpack the mod you downloaded where ever you want.2. Inside the unpacked folder there will be either the modded files or another folder that maybe called "override"3. Copy the whole content of the folder or the complete "override" folder.4. In this Case the game normally is located here: "C:\program files\Steam\steamapps\common\swkotor\"5. Look up if theres a folder called "override". If not either paste the copied override folder or create a new one and paste the copied files into the the override folder.6. Everythings done, start your game and enjoy the mod! 2ff7e9595c


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