One could say that it doesn't disappoint, although one would also have to lower the bar of expectations to say that in a way that possesses any significance. Director Simon Verhoeven dutifully gives us multiple jump scares, in which an arm violently enters into frame or a face is suddenly in complete close-up on the screen. This is what the movie promises from the start, so there must be at least a few points awarded for truth in advertising, I suppose.
The angle is that the supernatural killer is the spirit of a college girl named Marina (Liesl Ahlers), who committed suicide after Laura unfriended her on the safe-from-claims-of-copyright-infringement website. In Laura's defense, we learn from a lengthy, sort-of flashback that Marina was a cyber-stalker, who commented on every one of her posts, sent her repeated video chat requests, and started following her around in real life. Against Laura is the fact that Marina's own social networking profile was filled with clues about an unstable personality, such as unsettling photos of mangled faces and a video of someone stomping on a doll's head. Laura might have figured that out if she had scrolled down to the "See older posts" part of the page.
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Welcome to my talk page! Feel free to send any message to me, but keep in mind that I'm registred only from a few months and I'm not very experienced, but still, I can give you an hand. I will archive at 50-60 sections when I think will be the moment. There aren't much rules. Why flooding a talk with rules when there is an universal one? Just don't do at me what you don't want do be did at you. I likely accept friend request, but first I have to talk a bit with you, then I'll see if we can be friends or not. Enjoy!
Yesterday I normally wrote some things here...but now they aren't here anymore. This is what it said: As I said one time we were going to sleep one night in school remember? Well that is today (yesterday by now). I'm chatting on my phone. Dang the mobile version of this site is so weird. We are playing SingStar...a game were yo have to sing...*double facepalm*. I tried it once. One of my many mistakes in life. I speak too quiet so the microphone didn't hear me that good. (Yeah that's the reason why I lost...I hope) My best friend is also reallllllly close with someone the whole class likes but me...I, my best friend, that guy I hate and some others were sleeping inside. Okay now it is getting complicated: On the left side of the building my best friend sleeps, right of him is were I sleep, then some other guy and down of my my arch-nemesis was sleeping. His name is Kjelt. Not the most normal name in the world. He comes from the Netherlands so that already makes him special. Literally everyone in my class thinks he is the most cool guy there is. Not me of course. He likes to make jokes, making pranks he also steals, punk and rock 'n roll dude but everyone still likes him. My best friend Shawn really likes him too (because he makes him laugh, unlike me). From the first to mid-second grade he wasn't in our class yet. That was the most fun years if my life. Then Kjelt comes in class and says: Hi, now you are in the same class as me :D...ugh. Every time when he is near Shawn, Shawn comes to him...while I am just alone sitting somewhere, and that happens a lot now. It's like he doesn't even know me anymore. Kjelt also brainwashed my best friend somehow. Usually he was a nice silent guy as me. But now...oh boy, he is being a Mini version of him. And that bugs me. Sometimes when he is with me and Kjelt isn't near him, he acts less Kjelt. Wich is good. But I'm worrying about the future, maybe he will be a full replica of him..oh yeah, Since the second grade I liked a girl ( a lot ). Some other girl (who is nice) asked me who I really really liked. I answered Anaïs. Earlier in octobor I found out that Anaïs already had I told that other nice girl. But since the vacation she became a couple with Kjelt...Kjelt also knew who i really really liked (Dx) so he said when he found out that she already had someone: Well, Billy has fucked up Shawn: What did he fucked up Kjelt: Well, ofcourse not Anaïs anymore! Shawn was laughing really hard. Then he got air to breath again from laughing. No, don't say that Kjelt :3 he said with some sort of smile on his face...well...Story of my life (by now)Billy-Luigi Time! 10:10, 5 November 2014 (EST)
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