The contributions of the Peruvian truth commission to justice and reparations, as well as its impact on national debates in Peru, are significant. The Peruvian experience also has influenced the field of transitional justice, as practitioners around the world have studied it, seeking inspiration and practical ideas for the concrete challenges they face in their various contexts.
The commission proposed a vision of national reconciliation focused on building a new relationship between citizens and the state, based on respect for human rights and civic trust. The commission did not propose mechanisms of reconciliation that would hinder the role of criminal justice, truth, or reparations to victims.
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These words of Genesis refer directly to marriage, but indirectly they concern the different spheres of social life: the situations in which the woman remains disadvantaged or discriminated against by the fact of being a woman. The revealed truth concerning the creation of the human being as male and female constitutes the principal argument against all the objectively injurious and unjust situations which contain and express the inheritance of the sin which all human beings bear within themselves. The books of Sacred Scripture confirm in various places the actual existence of such situations and at the same time proclaim the need for conversion, that is to say, for purification from evil and liberation from sin: from what offends neighbour, what "diminishes" man, not only the one who is offended but also the one who causes the offence. This is the unchangeable message of the Word revealed by God. In it is expressed the biblical "ethos" until the end of time.[33]
18 . In order to share in this "vision", we must once again seek a deeper understanding of the truth about the human person recalled by the Second Vatican Council. The human being - both male and female - is the only being in the world which God willed for its own sake. The human being is a person, a subject who decides for himself. At the same time, man "cannot fully find himself except through a sincere gift of self".[39] It has already been said that this description, indeed this definition of the person, corresponds to the fundamental biblical truth about the creation of the human being - man and woman - in the image and likeness of God. This is not a purely theoretical interpretation, nor an abstract definition, for it gives an essential indication of what it means to be human, while emphasizing the value of the gift of self, the gift of the person. In this vision of the person we also find the essence of that "ethos" which, together with the truth of creation, will be fully developed by the books of Revelation, particularly the Gospels.
'The importance of this magnificent book is the beauty of its writing, the mastery of its telling. David Park is a great writer, that's the truth.' Gelnn Patterson'The Truth Commissioner is a fine, crafted novel, but it is also an important book ... his best writing to date ... He sets out to examine what it means to be alive - and does so in fictions that are subtle, understated, not without a hint of menace and always courageous' Irish TimesAdapted as a TV drama starring Roger Allam for BBC 2Henry Stanfield, the newly arrived Truth Commissioner for a Truth and Reconciliation Commission in Northern Ireland, is troubled by his estrangement from his daughter, and struggling with the consequences of his infidelities. Francis Gilroy, veteran Republican and recently appointed government minister, risks losing what feels tantalisingly close to his grasp.In America, Danny and his partner plan for the arrival of their first child, happily oblivious to what is about to pull him back to Belfast and rupture the life they have started together. Retired detective James Fenton, on his way to an orphanage in Romania with a van full of supplies, will soon be forced to confront what he has come to think of as his betrayal, years before, of a teenage boy.In a society trying to heal the scars of the past with the salve of truth and reconciliation, these four men's lives become linked in a way they could never have imagined.